
I Hear You

Oil on Canvas, 40" x 24"

Please Email me for any further information.


Unknown said...

These are all so stunning. The workshop sounds amazing, I'd love to do that some time. Do you take photos of these people and have them pose for you? How do you get those perfect shots?

The Reflective Journey said...

I think what I paint is closely related to journaling, because I just notice what's going on around me and capture it if it strikes me as something I would want to see again. Color notes and gesture sketches are very important. I don't mean literal color notes, I will just write about the color to remind myself. The gesture drawing is like a journal entry where you don't have time to capture the whole thing, but just the essence of it. Just a few strokes followed by a few more if you have time, and so on. Thank you for your comments Katherine.